No one doubts that one of the most serious problems faced by our Country is the absence of a culture of lawfulness which allows the creation of favorable conditions for individuals and collective development.
Marginality, inequity and the lack of appropriate incentives have hampered Mexicans from appraising the value of living in conjunction with respecting the rules of law. In many cases and from a simplistic point of view, the law has been seen as an obstacle and not as an instrument of social co-existence.
Faced with this dramatic reality, the Foundation promotes a culture of lawfulness through study, broadcasting, education and reflection between citizens regarding these attitudes, beliefs and the values that govern our behavior and in turn support our institutions and State laws.
The Foundation inspires the strengthening of a peaceful and safe environment in our country, which is most successful by the collective effort of every Mexican.
The peaceful and supportive co-existence can only be accomplished through voluntary law adherence. Participating in Mexican society, implies the full rights and obligations already adhered to by free and intelligent people.
For this reason, one of the Foundation’s primary duties is promote legal culture as a part of the integrated development for life.
Through workshops and dynamic activities we have the ability to dispense valuable information to children, teens and adults. Paso a Paso por la Gente A.C. Foundation has the tools to greatly impact knowledge, which is paramount to the success of creating positive attitudes that can and will help each one of us move toward the end result of participating in a society of lawfulness promoters.